domaine Quintarelli

Winery located on the East side of the valley of Negrar, Giuseppe Quintarelli is one of the Veneto’s most important producer.

Quintarelli releases his wines when he feels they are ready, and top bottlings are produced only when the wines are of sufficient quality, as is the case with the Amarone.

In vintages, where Quintarelli feels the wine does not merit the Amarone designation, it is classified and sold as Rosso del Bepi.

The rarest of all the Quintarelli wines, Amabile del Cerè "Bandito" IGT: the current vintage is 2003 and the one before was 1990. It is named after a lost barrel that was hidden under food stores and undiscovered during a Nazi raid of the property during WWII. The barrel was discovered years later and the wine had aged beautifully.

He has received renown for the cult wine, Alzero and its  mythical Amarone. All these wines are phenomenal and remain objects of desire amoung the world's best-heeled collectors.

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